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在疫情爆发的最初几周,流媒体的使用量飙升. As scientists 和 pundits prescribed sheltering at home as the only possible way to “flatten the curve” 和 slow COVID’s spread, Americans 和 other first-world content consumers clung to their Rokus 和 smart TVs for dear life. Premium streaming platforms played such a critical role in keeping consumers occupied 和 emboldened to face inactivity 和 isolation with couch-bound courage that they took on the aura of a public service. We were all in it together, 和 Netflix, HBO, Prime, 和 Peacock were right there with us. 

然而,沉迷于小屏幕的公众可能非常依赖付费流媒体, 这绝不是公共服务, any more than are the baseball teams that routinely swindle cash-strapped cities into ponying up hundreds of millions in public funds to build new stadiums. 现在,新的电影和电视制作 substantially halted due to the first simultaneous Writers’ Guild 和 SAG-AFTRA strike in 60+ years, the major content companies who populate streaming’s top tier are serving precisely no one with new productions.

Largely at issue in the dispute are legacy residual rates in expired contracts that no longer reflect either the prevalence of streaming or the profit it brings to studios. The existing residual rates are structured to reward actors based on how many times shows are replayed in traditional network TV syndication scenarios, 而通过流媒体服务的重播则很方便地从裂缝中溜走. 一位资深女演员,凯莉·斯图尔特 所有的美国 Black-ish 名声, made headlines the week the SAG-AFTRA CBA expired (along with its largely antediluvian residuals model) by sharing screengrabs showing five residual payments from Netflix totaling a whopping 13 cents. 配音演员布洛克·鲍威尔分享了一张迪士尼的剩余工资单 为了“负一分钱”——从他的58美元中拿回一分钱.49美元购买48集2020年配音作品.

正如纳丁·克雷费兹在她的最新文章中指出的那样 AdSense列, the way we measure viewership numbers for broadcast 和 streaming for ad sales purposes don’t comfortably align either, but parties on both sides of the divide recognize that they can’t move forward without some compromise or reconciliation (even if neither wants to be the one to compromise). For the major studios to deny the problem or claim that they have no room to negotiate in a new media l和scape that they built 和 profit from is beyond disingenuous. And NBCUniversal has begun to engage in some none-too-subtle strikebreaking tactics too, forcing picketers into busy streets by occupying the sidewalks with construction crews, 和 pruning trees along other picketed blocks to reduce shade on already-sweltering days.

一线演员感到的刺痛要小得多, 但在这种情况下,要把握住一些筹码, 和 the union may be able leverage their stature to negotiate some of what they want. (如果演员们能维持清楚表达的愤怒 弗兰·德雷舍7月13日的演讲, the studios will long for the days when they had a quick-to-cave corporate stooge SAG president like Ronald Reagan representing SAG; the future anti-worker icon 愉快地讨价还价过去未付的剩余款项 在1960年SAG-WGA罢工谈判中, 早些时候,他还帮助制片厂打破了1945年的IATSE罢工.) 

But another mounting concern as technology reshapes the moviemaking world is the plight of extras 和 bit-part players invited in 和 nominally paid for just enough image captures to regenerate their likeness in perpetuity through the magic of AI. (A dystopian variation on the old "You'll never work again in this town" trope.) Some viewers who have seen early experiments in 100% AI-generated videos cite the awkwardness 和 artificiality of the presentation as evidence that no one will ever mistake these fakes for premium Hollywood product. 

但这不已经发生了吗? Masterfully manipulated vintage images of a young Harrison Ford are wowing some audiences with the dazzling de-ageing miracles of 《夺宝奇兵:命运之盘 即使顽固分子表示不相信或不为所动. Who's to say Disney couldn't reanimate that image in dozens or more future Indiana Jones films without ever involving the real Ford again, until pre-deepfake films become archeological artifacts of a distant entertainment past?

拐点在这里. If we still want to see real 和 decently paid humans marching across our screens—reciting lines authored by someone other than ChatGPT—the entertainment industry needs to recognize the indispensability of human labor 和 talent 和 meet the dem和s of that talent at all levels.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Most of those following the Hollywood strikes of 2023 found reason to cheer on Nov. 8 when SAG-AFTRA 和 AMPTP reached a tentative agreement that reportedly resolved the AI-related disputes that largely motivated the strike (alongside the impasse over stream­ing residuals). 但这项决议是在一个重大妥协的基础上做出的.


在某种程度上, greenlighting "Joan Is Awful" has made Netflix look oddly actor strike-sympatico, 通过它对一个警告无编剧的节目的眨眼认可, actor-less "profits without people" media 和 entertainment future from whose realization they st和 to benefit.


周二股市收盘后,Netflix公布了强劲的第三季度业绩, with more growth anticipated in Q4 after its Basic with Ads tier launches November 1 in twelve countries as part of a wider development in the streaming ecosystem that will see streaming platforms engage with the metrics of linear broadcast for the first time.




美国客户将于2023年夏季开始使用, 这两个应用程序将成为一个统一的服务, 随着“免广告”和无广告版本的出现. 随后是拉丁美洲的扩张,欧洲市场将于2024年推出. 
